Exige S2 with added supercharger

I have exactly the same diffuser but didn’t need to drill any further holes but looking at your pics, I have more fixing points/bolts.
Mine also seems to come out further than yours?

Looks better than the standard item :+1:

Looks great :ok_hand:t2:

The fixing hole differences are due to the 2006+ cars having different rear above the diffuser sections. You have 2 more fixings than me.

A122A0015J for the MY04-05
A122A0062J for the MY06+

I believe there was another combination for the 260 cup as well : A128A0024J

Its been sunny and dry here on the border of the Peoples Republic of Yorkshire so I decided to do a little run out.

I only did a 20mi or so circuit but I have been reminded again of how much I enjoy driving this car.

​Its not the greatest of engine notes but when the supercharger is whining is intoxicating, and I just cannot get over how much difference the suspension refresh has made. Every time I drive the car it stuns me. The steering is almost telepathic. It was never bad before but now , just wow. Its incredible.

Sadly there are few minor niggles that I need sorting

The throttle appears to stick. I had it once where it stuck at 3000rpm , and frequently it sticks at 2000rpm. I am thinking as its a cable operated TB it could be that.

Since I bought the car there has always been an electrical gremlin where if I left the fuse in for the ECU live the car wouldnt stop on the key. Remove the fuse and all is fine. The purist in me wants to investigate that and put it right. Sure it works without the fuse, but why? Whats changed ?

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I have spoken to the man that can - Paul @ RSTuning and we think that the throttle stop might be a mm or two high.

I have lowered it and the idle stick is better but not perfect. I have adjusted it and awaiting to go out again.

I have now validated with the SCS delta software that its reading 0% on the throttle position.

If this doesn’t fix it , I think it must be the cable sticking somewhere.

I might be wrong, but if my memory serves
Check the return spring on your aftermarket throttle body, I seem to recall it being rather weak

Its not the greatest I must admit @seriouslylotus but it was the one that was on my old TB.

I am not sure I can get a replacement spring from anywhere. You probably know better than me though!

I have just been reviewing my past posts and checking and double checking everything on my TB.

I noted something. See the spring here ?

There appears to be the 3rd coil in , outside where it should be.

I double , and triple checked this against my original TB pictures and sure enough - it wasnt like that.

I slackened the nut holding the quadrant on just enough and realigned things. It looks like this now

Enough to make a difference? Ill try and find out after work tomorrow!

Fingers cross that will do the trick


It’s rained here this afternoon so I’ll not be taking it out.

Soon as it’s dry I’ll take it out for a run


How are the side skirts coming on?

Funny you should mention that! The moulds are supposed to be coming out of the bags tomorrow!

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The moulds look ok.


Keep us posted :+1:

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I cant get over my sequential fixation.

I have done some more research and have the following data ;

Quaife QKE9E - £7k + VAT + Supply my own C64. There literally appear to be zero for sale on the used market, which I appreciate is a gamble but I have a man that can with gearbox rebuilds.

Sadev ST82-14 £Bonkers + Vat. However I have spotted they arent that expensive used. Rebuild kits can be had for £720 ( yes , I appreciate the box could be toast but gearsets are available too )

Example : https://www.paddock42.com/advert/sadev-st82-14-with-all-parts/

As I understand it the sadev is not a plug and play kit and needs a few more bits such as

Mounting plate to suit ST82-14 gearbox to Toyota 2ZZGE engine
Bespoke gear-lever, gear change & reverse cable
Intermediate bearing carrier
Specific flywheel to accept race clutch
Specific single plate clutch
Gearbox bracket
Sadev intermediate shaft, bearing & circlip
Sadev tripod kit

They all sound very cheap. It even has an inbuilt anti wall device :

Full video here ;

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If you do go Sadev, I have a gear lever from lotus when they installed the kits into 211
We also had an uprated intermediate bearing carrier made as the originals crack/break regularly!!!
Bearing carrier is not a stock item but can be made to order


Ill bend your ear next time I am over. I need to book in a few items with you.

Appreciate the feedback as ever.

I have been absent so missed out on all this so, diffuser looks the part :+1: and enjoyed the catch-up

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Its dryish - I havent fixed the problem. Its better, but not perfect. Ill take apart the TB this evening and whip it all apart to check I have everything on correctly and in place.

I have reset the quadrant by loosening and then tightening the nut that holds the spindle on.

I also removed the MAP and gave it a good clean. Post clean the revs were erratic but have since calmed down.

I need a splash of fuel so will call into the station tomorrow evening and go from there.

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