Exige S2 - Soft Top Conversion Kit

Have these up for sale via SELOC if anyone’s interested.


I’m running away now b4 Pesky sees this - I don’t like the sight of blood…

It’s bad enough people doing it, but profiting from it!

Lol! Each to their own. It seems quite a few Elise owners who have bought S2 Exiges are missing the roof off experience.

Elise owners have every right to enjoy the roof off experience.

Erm… No.


Well S2 Exige owners have spoken! 4 kits remaining

Well S2 Exige owners have spoken! 4 kits remaining



[image]> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v336/Lotussooty/peskyexigeroofless.jpg> [/image]

Pesky - caught red handed trying to nick his GHD Hair Straigteners?

[image]> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v336/Lotussooty/peskyexigeroofless.jpg> [/image]

Is that the Worldwide Exige Roof Extra Secret Team Headquarters for Enforcement and Restraining Omni Operative Forces?

This is special agent Pesky reporting…
Quick! we seem to have a breach, code 1

Need backup!


The only reason Dad cannot take the roof off is because his remaining hair would blow off!!!

[image]> http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v336/Lotussooty/peskyexigeroofless.jpg> [/image]

Plus it’ll mess his beard up after he’s spent so much time grooming it.

Well it is fun to stay in the YMCA…

3 remaining!

2 Remaining

Looks like a bit of sun is bringing off the roofs of S2 Exiges.

Much to the delight of some and the dismay of others!

I can’t get the SELOC link to work, works firewall banning it. Any chance of putting some more details here.



Simon, drop me a message with your email address and I’ll forward you the details.

I now only have 1 kit remaining

Bringing this back to the top. Hopefully just in time for some nice Easter sun.

Fingers crossed!

Right, all the new kits have now been sold but I do have some excellent condition used roofs with new fitting kits.

Price is �399 (+ VAT, delivery etc if applicable)

Congrats Pesky! People are clearly seeing the light and putting their tops back on!