exige s2 on my drive!

pics: www.homepage.mac.com/paulnorth1 the first pics are of the car at stratton before the black bits are coded and the wheels refinished. if you click on (last roll) the pics are of the car on my drive


nice… so when do they open the bell-tower for ya !

Moomin. Is that the standard exhaust? looks different to the one I test drove.
[email protected]

no, its a stage 1, i got a good deal on it, its ok but i think that i will change it for the quicksilver one later.


I prefer the silver cars colour coded.

Here are some of mine (Sorry the driveway is not as impressive

Exige Pics


I prefer the silver cars colour coded.

your cars orange!

Well spotted! I mean I prefer colour coded silver cars to non colour coded silver cars, Obviously I prefer non colour coded orange cars to any form of silver


Had a look at your car this morning, looks nice but Orange would have been better .

However the VX reg plate would have to go if it was mine

Hi Mark
Thanks for the info, was gonna ring John today to check everything was ok still to pick up car first thing Tuesday am. Been thinking something must go wrong and it would get delayed again I’ll sleep easier tonight knowing it’s finally there and will be ready for Tues. Know what you mean about the reg VX!!! I think I’ll be getting lots of stick about that one, still I suppose I could drop the VX turbo mill in it then the reg would be ok or should I not be saying things like that on this board?