Exige RGB or MY09 onwards Wanted! Thinking of Selling?

Long time lurker back in the market for another Exige after selling my S2 few years ago due to a house move and have regretted it since.

After any colour RGB exige 2009/10 with sports / touring would be nice or MY09 if available.

Under 50k mileage preferred.

No time wasting - Strong money waiting! Silly money for Persian blue (if it actually exists)

Message me or text 07584 344707


Damien :thumbup:

I found my one by putting a wanted ad up on the Elise/Exige S2 Facebook group, got a few good responses but bought one that was 20(!) miles from me.
Definitely worth putting an ad up there and perhaps Seloc too👍🏻

Thanks for the advice! i saw your success! Nice buy :thumbup:

Does it have to be an RGB?

Still after a RGB or MY09 onwards.

Message me Cash waiting :slight_smile: