Exige performance figures.

I am proud to say I will be purchasing an Exige in the near future but I am undecided on the 190 upgrade. Has anyone got any comparison figures (0-60 & 0-100) and what is the general opinion on the kit???Cheers,Ben

No question, 190 was how the VHPD engine was designed, it was then strangled down to 177 to get round allsorts of emission baloney!!!Release the noose round it’s neck and let it go like it should. [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image] [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image] [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image] [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image] [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]

Have a search in the Exige Talk section. There’s been a debate on 0-60 times several times.Although you’ll read that the Exige really isn’t about 0-60. It’s much more about braking 100 yards later than a things three times the price and carrying loads more speed through a bend. The result? A huge grin!Ian [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image]

I see where your coming from, but I just want to know if the �800 could be better spent in other areas - does the upgrade offer any significant performance advantages???

The question I have is: Does the 190 upgrade stop the car from getting through an MOT?I.E: Will I need to buy a trailer?!

imo, the car is a dog without the 190 upgrade. It feels slugish. I would not consider the car without it.Roy

quote:Originally posted by ayrtonginster:…does the upgrade offer any significant performance advantages???It is much more driveable (as the F1 drivers bang on about) and feels quicker (probably more than it actually is but is that really the point?). I don’t know anybody that’s regretted it. quote:Originally posted by JMD:The question I have is: Does the 190 upgrade stop the car from getting through an MOT?Try a search on Exige Talk there is at least one claim of the 190 going through the MOT with the Cat back on. quote:Originally posted by JMD:Will I need to buy a trailer?!No. I’d have bought something else if I did.Ian [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image][This message has been edited by IDG (edited 07 March 2003).]