Exige packed up at Donington - help!

Hi, guys.

Out in the S1 at Cadwell Park last Friday for the day - very hot but all went well & no issues with the car.

Out at Donington last night at a Rotary Charity evening. 1st session great - 458 behind me, lost him on the corners but he got me back at the straight, fantastic fun! Got a whiff of something that I thought was brakes or clutch burning at the time but could not work out why they would be smelling though, thought I was just pushing a little too hard to piss the Ferrari off.

Out on next session (National lay out) & come to brake at the end of the first lap at the end of the straight coming into the Esses & there is a bang & black smoke in the cabin (I think from passenger footwell side). Got straight into the pits & the car cut out, bump started it & it ran for a hundred yards or so & then stopped. Could not get it going again. The smoke disappeared pretty quickly.

No fluid loss from anywhere & no sign of any damage (or burns). Everything looks fine, but when I go to turn it over it sounds quite laboured & won’t fire up & start. Put a charger on the battery & the turnover was just the same. Can hear the fuel pump priming when the ignition is switched on.


Ideas welcome, please…


Alternator dead ? - are you still K-powered ? - they always seem to fry alternators.

Still K powered!

Had a rebuilt alternator a few years back, but it’s in with the engine isn’t it, if my memory is right??? Can’t see how that would get smoke into the front footwell.

Luckily I’ve got the old one that has been re-built but I’m not sure that would be the problem???



Where is the battery? In the front?
If so has it come loose, moved and short circuited??

Has your car got ac or at least the raised battery of an ac car? If so check the brake pipes where it passes the battery. Have seen a couple where they’re really close, and touching occasionally.

Have you checked all your fuses also ?

Thanks guys.

Battery in front & was loose (as well as a good few years old).

Will try a new one & see…

Got the new battery & fitted it - but the car won’t start - cranking nicely but not firing.

The alarm system is now playing up - 2 flashing lights for the activation but when you get in / open the door the lights just flash (no alarm) - we think it’s probably the immobiliser.

Any tips on how to check it out? I read about by-pass switched from Eliseparts but I’d really like to fix it if possible or to check it out.

Does anyone have the instructions on how to manually bypass the immobiliser, please? At least we can try this out.



Bye pass is really easy but we cant post it on here !!!

Understood Dave.

Have just found out that a mate of mine in our village used to work for Lotus as a mechanic (can’t believe it can you…) & has a by pass switch as well as a spare immobiliser! He’s popping round at the week end to try them out.

Fingers crossed!