Exige No Startie

Guilty of Exige neglect and am being punished by the little blighter.

After a few months of sitting on the drive, charged up battery, fuel pump priming, engine turning over as sweet as a nut, but no start after prolonged attempts - no spark, no fuel.

Thinks CPS :thumbup: - so fit replacement - fires first time. Leave it for a few days and no startie again, next morning try again and it starts. Now refuses to fire at all.

Tried most of usual tricks but have not bypassed the immobiliser - Meta btw. Can someone please pm me the bypass details - also does the Eliseparts bypass fit??? as it states it is for Elise Cobra alarms.

Or has anyone got any other suggestions?

Thanks fellow Exigers :slight_smile:

Obviously being a new S1 owner…a very clean one with Chatsworth due…I have no idea what you are taking about! But if the immobiliser is the same as I my 05 S2 I’ll get a plug in the post tomorrow.

Just used the Elise Parts plug to bypass my Exige S1 M36T2 - fixed my problem :slight_smile:

Eeek better give mine a wash.

Well - just been out and the lil’ monkey has started up - used spare key :crazy:

As the good ol’ Duke and Duchess of Devonshire are good neighbours of ours it would be rude not to attend Chatsworth :smiley:

Good news :sunglasses:

Look forwards to seeing you on Sunday.

Yay! be great to see you too Ben and others from the topmost Lotus forum there is :slight_smile:

Persuade MrsE to come too (Mrs Benja and Mrs Fox will be in attendance, Mrs Pesky too?) they can all laugh at their beloveds all united by talking to each other on sadboys.com :laughing:

Beginning to think I should join this convoy with Mrs T . . . At least this time she won’t have to crawl out from the passenger seat to get out the driver’s side, thanks to the ministrations of the blessed Father Greg at Phoenix Motorsport.


Well I’m really perplexed :slight_smile:

Wouldn’t start again, charged up battery wouldn’t start so gave it one last chance and started up :slight_smile:

Been for an excellent run into Derbyshire - parked up back home - left for an hour whilst I had a glass or two – went out to start her and… yes she started.

So seizing the moment having another glass now :slight_smile:

Simon great news you’re coming buddy, I’ll bring the plug with me on Sunday mate.

Cheers Jonny :slight_smile: - see you Sunday…


So are you and Mrs T coming then sucka :laughing:

Well, Simon and I could discuss the delights of intermittent Exige starting problems, I suppose . . .

Do it! It would be great if you could make it.

When I drove mine at the weekend I’m sure the fuel pump did not prime when I drove home. It started but its got me worried now…fingers crossed for the weekend.

Just bought the ticket online. Will be driving straight to Chatsworth, with or without Mrs T

Nice one Thommo :sunglasses:

Looking forward to seeing everyone there :mrgreen:

Yes looking forward to seeing you all there :smiley:

Exige seems fine now - still need to bypass t’immobiliser tho’…