Exige/Elise parts for sale

Bit of a garage clearout so…

Quaife UCR gearset (the one with 3-4-5)
Janspeed 4-1 manifold
flexi cat pipe
Std Exige exhaust
Red Top ultra light racing battery as used on Sport Elise racers (new and unused)

All hardly used and in great condition

Offers on any or all of the above

i’m interested in the battery and flexi cat pipe.
please e-mail:
[email protected]


If Nicholas does not want, I’ll have second dibs on the batery (might be sifficult to ship?

Tell me about the battery, e.g. which one is it?


…might be sifficult to ship?

Are you, by any chance, related to George W’ya?

maybe he meant sifficult to dip …

Sorry for the delay in replying to y’all.

Battery has been sold…

Still got the UCR gears, almost new at �300 or so!!

Hi is the janspeed manifold still available and if so, how many miles has it seen and what price are you looking for it?


contact Uldis… he also has one if you dn’t get this one

Hi there,

That one has sold but I do have a brand spanking new Janspeed 4-1 big bore manifold and flexi cat going.

Looking for ~�350 for both.

You can catch me on [email protected]



UCR gearset still for sale. Fab upgrade to keep in that peaky power band

Taking offers IRO �300