Exige Cup 260 - Restoration and Updates

Yes they basically go back on the production line after stripping , they came back individually boxed like a brand new wheel .
Have you used Prestige before ?

Did you have a contact? Can’t find anything on their site. If the can do them it would be my first point of call as it’s they made the lotus wheels.

Not used used Prestige before but had a recommendation, have you heard horrer stories?

Yes I have used them a long time ago and the finish wasn’t great TBH , really thick raised coating around edges and the colour was much darker than I asked for , I remember feeling gutted when collected them .
I can’t remember how the last set I had done ended up at team dynamics, I think the guy I bought them off arranged it and sent them direct and then they sent them to me after they finished the refurb so sorry no contact but I did find this link online :

Thats perfect thanks for that, I’ll give them a shout in the morning.

moomin I’ve sent them an email, thanks for the heads up and pics :thumbup: - I’ve asked them if they do a slightly smokier version of the lotus silver, so we’ll see!

It appears Rimstock no longer refinish wheels which is a shame, I am getting info from them on the exact finish and paint manufacturer that does it to OEM, just awaiting a call from one of their paint guys…

That’s a shame but at least you can hopefully get the colour .

I know not the end of the world, just getting a price from Rimstocks recommended refinisher. Will post up details tomorrow as its useful for folk should they need it at some point in the future

Havent been doing refurbs for twpo or three years now
I am surprised you got to speak to them.
Every time i try the person i need is at home :crazy: :crazy: :crazy:
Who did you contact??

Email address I got them on was just [email protected] as that was the address listed on the refinishing page. Someone got back to but didn’t share name so presume it was some triage team, then I spoke to a chap called Dave who knew a lot about paint! As I couldn’t order I haven’t got his email address, it seems a but pointless

Got back to my email and called me pretty quick, gave the impression the factory was not on shutdown or anything.

So on to a bit of retrim planning! A lesser tackled subject in Lotus land.

The Cup260 should have looked a bit like this, nice carbon an alcantara and a big fat logo.

Unfortunately as mine was specced with airbags mine in fact was missing the alcantara trim on the airbag cover and centre vents. Its fine looks like any other airbag Exige dash, but as I have retrimmed all my other Exige I would do this on.

My 350 was this, with plenty of alcantara and one of the very few trimmed dashes

And this was my s2 done by lotus

So with that in mind I knew that the interior would also be retrimmed, with the plan being to retrim airbag cover, centre vents, new binnacle surround for both Aim Dash and OEM dash (in case I chose to drop the plan for AiM dash). I also wanted to retrim the bulkhead covering and roll bar cover just to get rid of the final bits of plastic, plus a few other bits along the way.

First step was to get the material – now I spoke to the factory to get the code, but they said on cup cars they used different and it depends what they had about. Long story short I found that what was supplied as the correct sample, did not match the binnacle, or seats or doors. But then I started holding up the binnacle to the seats and doors and they didn’t actually match! So I have very slightly different shades in the car – I now had to get about a billion (well 20) samples and get the best match. As I wasn’t going to retrim the doors it made sense to match those.

The covering on the dash pieces is a darker black than the rest of the car, with the HVAC controls, centre console the same colour, with the seats and doors a bit between the two. I did think it was fade from UV, but if you look at original press pics they had the same variation so it appears to be a ‘feature’ rather than complete balls up.

To give an idea of the joy here is a sample set described as ‘Charcoal’, plenty of variation. I spent hours looking at them in under different temperature light

In the end I went for Dinamica 8450, as the shade was bang on and its much easier to work with than Alcantara. Dinamica is OEM for Audi, Merc and BMW so unfortunately no cost to be saved.

Here it is in the top of the three panels on the seat

I thought I would hit the biggest item first – the rear bulkhead, and hear it is after many hours of swearing at it. Turns out trimming a part this size with this many curves is really hard!

Anyway I did it

Next up was the roll bar cover, far easier.

Measure up

Apply contact adhesive

Wait for it to go tacky

Apply material, bend pull and stretch

Apply more contact adhesive


I’ll save the hard bits to later

I am also having a struggle getting the embroidery done. I have the logo all sorted and vectored up, but round here anyone that can embroider the logo won’t take customer material and all seem to have shut up shop at the moment, so the logo may need to come later…

Really impressive work - that rear bulkhead must have been very trying! :thumbup:

Top work on the trimming, I’ve done a few smaller/flatter bits before and it’s not easy!

As a track day nut, a nice interior is my guilty pleasure… Well worth a KG here or there imo.

It was meant to take an hour, 3 hours later I was still there with wife offering support and kids getting grumpy that dinner hadn’t been started. Me yelling “just get cereal FFS” is apparently mean, but kids are very sensitive these days…

Cheers Kyle, I know it’s somewhat at odds with the stripped out track monster vibe, but just a bit of trimming really transforms the car. All the mud I pulled out the car on the first clean must have meant I’m sort of netting out, but I’m going to need to save a bit of weight in other areas I think don’t want it to raise too much.

Do you remember weight difference when you changed your manifold and cat? - I’m hoping you saved weight, but I could be wrong and need to take out a seat or something

I had it written on my whiteboard at some point, it was certainly a loss - maybe something like 600g.

I probably wrote it in my thread if it was listed on the whiteboard.

Cheers, will have a look through your thread to see if I can anticipate some weight loss for her, all this attention she’s getting means she’s feeling a bit too loved and will put on serious timber at this rate!

I skimmed through last night and couldn’t see mention of it. Sorry :blush:

Loving the trim work there. Its something I should really do on my dash as its a bit grubby but it looks so frustrating