Exige Cup 240

apparently one of first exige cup 240s will be unveiled at sydney motorshow this weekend!

Are you going?


I have an artist impression of the 111r sport thingy. When I was doing the deal last week on an Exige I told about this car just in case I was interested, didn’t know it had lss and yokos though. But with discount the Exige was more or less the same price so no competition. If I can work out how to post the picture I will. Oh it has white wing mirrors. I beleave the blue car has silver wheels and the red black wheels.

LOL Moomin - who was the M400 owner with the twice exploding engine then? I’ve got one too and checked them out for a long time (over 2 years!) before taking the plunge. Never heard of one going pop yet although that can happen with any car. Sure your mate didn’t have an early one without trackday sump? To describe them as “rubbish” is maybe a bit harsh.

Anyway, mine covered 2,000 miles in one week with a trip to Spa and Ring thrown in with no problems (bar finding out that that the discs are fooked )… I’ll let you know when the engine explodes though.

I dont really want to put his name on the net but he was one of the first M400 owners in 04 about the same time i got my Exige.
It may have been a bit harsh to say that that they are all rubbish but his car was.
He got a full refund but had to pay �1 for each mile that he had covered in the car, about 2000.

apparently one of first exige cup 240s will be unveiled at sydney motorshow this weekend!

Went to the Sydney Motor Show today and Guess what
No Exige cup 240
After splashing it’s unveiling at the Sydney Motor Show all over the News papers for the last couple of weeks
It’s a no show, apparantly Lotus could’nt get it ready in time
Rep’s on the Lotus stand said it may arrive Wednesday
They do have a standard Exige and 111R on display

went today also, and latest word is wednesday for the arrival of the car. the lambo gallardo SE was meant to be there too…but another no-show! gallardo spyder looked the goods!

went today also, and latest word is wednesday for the arrival of the car. the lambo gallardo SE was meant to be there too…but another no-show! gallardo spyder looked the goods!

That yellow Zonda Roadster did it for me
What a great looking car

Ah Zonda Drool drool drool…

This one would be the one for me - Toyota MTRC - 340R crossed with a Smart car and a Landrover [image]http://carsguide.news.com.au/common/imagedata/0,3600,5042582,00.jpg[/image]


This thread explains a lot.2 weeks ago I saw a roadtest on an Exige CUP 240R. See link below for videa (in dutch sorry). It’s titanium Grey. (price: Euro 86.222) autoxperience.tv


Nico van Steen

hehe, i understand dutch, i’m from Belgium.
Fun to watch but not a very deep review though.
But it makes me want one even more.

I’m sorry chaps but the car in that video is an EXIGE CUP car (electrical kill switch and rollbar are the giveaway).
Now I don’t speak Dutch so have no idea what he says but a Cup car is around �42k I think and DOES NOT come with a supercharger for that.
Lotus have been offering the s/c as an add-on for the Cup car in Europe for a while now at around �7k, so perhaps that is what this car in fact is.
Does he mention options?

Be interested to know what he says…

See here for Cup car specs etc: http://www.grouplotus.com/car/car_product.php?id=2&mid=8

that has to be the worst set of stripes I have ever seen on a car - they look hand painted by someone with Parkinsons


Edited to say “ah…I see”


the Europa(?) at the beginning


Guess Steve reacts to the oldy car in the video.
Yep it is a cup racer. Didn’t know however it wass offered with a SC option on the mainland. That’s why I reacted to this thread. It isn’t one of the 50 240R’s as it lacks AC and has the rollcage.
As I am looking into getting an EXIGE, I’ll be visiting the Dutch dealership this week, so I can get an insight in all options, versions etc. offered.



Think thats the Lotus own cup press car with the SC fitted, left hooker with GB plates.
The Exige Cup 240 Race will have the same spec with the kill switch and roll bar, the Exige 240 Cup road version will have the same spec as the 240R.