Exige bucket list - Jebel Hafeet


This is not strictly Exige related, but in the absence of having my Exige S1 in Dubai, I had the next best option of having a Lotus :smiley: … In this case a White Evora.

Jebel Hafeet is one of the best driving ascents in the world and it sooo did not disappoint. Near Abu Dhabi, and situated in Al Ain, it’s over 11kms of corners and hairpins, with an awesome road surface. Bar going on track, I’d have to say it has been one of my best ever road drives and driving the Evora in anger on a hill like that gave me some new found respect for the Exige’s stablemate. The Evora did well and left my buddy feeling a little squeamish after 22kms of JB X 2 :astonished: :slight_smile:

Here’s a pic of us at the top.

Definitely recommend it if you get the opportunity. It is about 100 miles out of Dubai.


Brilliant Nick, I’ve never actually heard of it until now but it sounds intersting. Off to Google…

Car looks great btw, rather tasty in white :clap:

Nick have you got room for both at home ?

…after putting it through its paces I have to say I have looked at the classifieds :laughing: :laughing:

I should have posted a picture to give everyone an idea of the road and setting, so see below.

What was interested was to see how many big “smash” marks were on the otherwise perfectly clean and new concrete barriers. Clearly there have been some high speed oh sh!t moments where somebody driving a Lambo has run out of talent and forgotten what their carbon brakes are for! :crazy: :clap:

Looks awesome…