Exige and wildlife or its amazing what goes on down under

Continuing my refurb involved removing heater unit and guess what I found

One vacant mouse nest complete with nut shells …fortunetly no bodies!! :eh: :astonished:
So chaps when putting your car to bed for the winter include a few mouse bait blocks. :angry:

The story of the heater is something else! :imp:

And the message we should all learn is to remove battery / heater unit for inspection at least every 15 years…

I’m giving peppermint oil a go…

:smiley: - A few winters back - I had a mouse take residence in the Exige carbon airbox, made himself snug with chewed up cone air filter, was fortunate I found it before firing up the VHPD :open_mouth:

I thought you were going to reveal an old bird that has been properly shagged by Pesky :unamused:

Like it :laughing: Wonder if she did??? :mrgreen: :astonished:



I wondered what happened to those walnuts Steve gave him :wink:

Same problem 4 years ago… This fucking mouse have destroy my wiring harness :imp: Need to reconstruct all with a big bill. :unamused:

Got a mental picture of mice hanging on for dear life as Pesky belted round the circuits of Britain

Pesky’s Pets??
Any traces of Gravy?