Exige 20th anniversary Specials

I imagine everyone has seen these 20th anniversary specials but just in case

I was pretty taken by the Chrome Orange one… :sunglasses: but out of my budget :pleading_face:

Arctic silver for me I think …

I’d have any of them!

Saffron Yellow of course for me… if I could afford it…

Laser Blue obviously.

At least they’re finally painting the matte black bits, nice to see they no longer look like poverty spec Corsas from the 90s!

I think I’m destined to always have a V6 itch, 410 would be a sweet spot for me I think.


See if they will do a groupbuy?

:thumbup: :thumbup:

Don’t ask don’t get!

Ditto… drove one at Hethel… the 410 really is a special car and a real step up from the 350… I would have one in a heartbeat if I could afford it

I had a 350 for a few days while the Lotus dealer worked on mine - really powerful and torquey but just didn’t ‘feel’ right - seemed to move around with inertia more at the rear and I just didn’t feel comfortable somehow. They suggested trying their zero mileage 410 and I have to say it felt very different and I really could’ve imagined owning one… still may do one day, but my S2 feels very special still so I don’t know… :confused:

Surely as a tribute to the original Exige it should have been made less lardy :thinking: