
Fancy a bbq? Budapest this weekend :stuck_out_tongue:

Wes showed me some great roads in Slovakia last week. We had a blast. Evora makes such trips easy and the full Lotus experience.

Haha! :laughing:

I must say the Evora did make a four hour slog rather easy and yet can turn on its heals just like the exige, I had a good play yesterday and was blown away by how good it really is. I went full Lewis Hamilton flapping the paddles and listening to blips on down shifts :sunglasses:
The only slight negative is she does like a drink when your giving it the beans… :open_mouth:

Grown up exige has been done to death but honestly it really really is, I think I just became a Saga lout :laughing:

It is going to drink more fuel Andy being a V6 3.5 litre supercharged engine.
Just wait until you get it out on track. :astonished:

I seriously I have NO idea how much fuel any of my cars has ever used. It amazes me how many people ask this, but I have never been interested in that at all - I know the Evora drinks more but that’s all. To drive needs fuel so… . Petrol station staff -and Belgian Police- do like Evora’s!

It’s no exige but it is FUN to drive. I love driving mine.

Haha I know :smiley:

I should think it would be very low single figures on track tbh, I might get her out there one day as I think it would be pretty bloody good :wink:

:open_mouth: 6.7mpg on a dry track for me

I will find out how many laps on a tankful they do round Spa in 2 weeks.

Brilliant news, Mr Booth. Good to have you back

I recon the tank will be empty before the two weeks are up.

What a car! I think I am in love :smiley:

Dont tell steph!


Anyway back on topic, can we have a GTE sub section for Gav and me? :laughing:

Best give andy his own little section for him and his evora, somewhere for them to go in private! :crazy:
