Evora vs exige R

Must be suffering from some age related mental fade as recently found myself wondering if I
should exchange my S1 sc Honda for an Evora 400.
Someone tell me I am bonkers!! :crazy:
Ps Ican still get out of it but getting Under is is getting more dificult

You’re bonkers. HTH :wink:

I knew it :lolno:

Exchange!! - You would need to request a substantial wad of cash to accompany the Evora :smiley:

Yep totally bonkers keep the Exige and get someone else to fix it :smiley:

Sell it to me :wink:

Bonkers…don’t do it!

Fantastic idea the 400 is a brilliant car…

Yeah, I have no regrets getting my Evora S. Brilliant car.

I think I’d go for the Evora TBH over a Honda S1.

Don’t do it Mr B! Look what happened last time!
Regrets . . . You’ll have a few. . . Too many to mention. . .

Selling my GT40 for £3500.is one of them!!!l

I do have the same thoughts, my S2 has done 250 miles this year. I expect the S1 has done 500. In the end, if I have to make a journey anywhere my boring Audi A4 is the better option, especially with a dog and a bike.

Clive mate!

I know you have just got back from a ‘Summer Sun’ holiday… but there is a limit to blame heatstroke on!

Having driven both… we ALL know just how epic your Honda’d S1 Exige IS!!! :sunglasses:

BUT… I hired an Evora 400 2 years ago… as my ‘wedding car’!!! (a story on it own!!) Mate, the EVORA 400 is Epic! Sound track is sublime, performance every bit as engaging as a raw S1. AND, you can get SWMBO in to the car easily, the can drive it with the ‘Sport’ mode turned off! She would also love it… it IS, after all, a Lotus!

I will post my vid on driving it up on here soon…

Simply put, I would LOVE to own one! There comes an age and stage that indeed it’s the right call…

I will 100% be going Evora in the next 5 years or so… at which point my S1 Elise will hopefully put a large deposit on it! But you could probably ‘straight swap’ the Exige for one…

Over to you! :smiley:

You will not regret getting a 400 Clive but you will regret letting the S1 go.

Nice line up. Great colours.
Keep having fun :laughing:

Some days I really hate Steve! :mrgreen:

You’ve come over all Dizzee Rascal

Still think Shrek would have been a better colour match Steve!

Very much a red and blue theme since Shrek went Pete

IMG_3055 by Christine Bestwick, on Flickr