EVO Triangle average speed cameras!

Lifted from Norlog (posted there by Exige S3 owner Dave C)

Yeah I’d seen that. It’s been visited several times as part of our Anglesey pilgrimage. Looks like the fun is over. Tbh I think we all calmed down a bit in Wales after,…ya know,…ahem,…that convoy on the A5 thing with Sean.

Always enjoy the run through the EVO triangle, but have always been reasonably sensible, certainly could go faster on the open sections but the risks just go too high

Blimey mate… that morning seems like years ago!

I believe there is a legal statute of limitations with respect to stuff like this… ! Even thought we are only talking a few knots fast! :laughing:

Bah humbug… the EVO ‘triangle’ is only 20 miles long anyway… there are nearly 250k miles of road in the UK… so we are still ‘safe’! :>)

Who was it that had his Exige covered in “manure” one year ?

Rox, RoxTeddy

Many gunned it passed the tractor…tractor ejected some ‘fluid’ at the last in the convoy. :smiley:

Oh shit.
