European Tour 3127 miles 21 days

We have just got back from our ‘European tour’!

3127 miles:- 12 petrol station stops, 1 over-heating stop, 1 water flooding stop, numerous photo calls.

Three sets of ear plugs me two sets, Elaine one set ( she loves the sound of the engine) .

We drove down through France into Switzerland to The Italian lakes, drove about 4 passes including Stelvio.

Then on to Monza for the GP and a stay in Milan.
Then on the Moderna to vist the Lambo and Ferrari museums.

Across to Monaco to drive the GP circuit but got caught up in all the flooding ( this caused the only issue, the engine and electrics got wet and we had a terrible misfire for about a day)

Then across to Limoges to visit friends and then onto La Rochelle … and sadly home,… all this without any damage

All we have to say is the trip and Exige were bloody brilliant!!!

Simon and Elaine

See ya on the 8th Oct at Oulton

Hope you enjoyed the Lambo mueseum

Tried your contact but had no luck with the tour of the factory, but the museum was good and free, not a rip off like the Ferrari one.

Sigh…that’s a real trip!


I was at Maranello and Sant Agata in July and agree with you about Ferrari. Was there about 6 years ago and sure there was more there then. Highlight was seeing the F1 on Fiorano though. Did you not go to Pagani? A bloody nightmare to find but was allowed into the place.

No we did not go, but we did see this outside the Grand Hotel in Monaco

Drool all over it when we left

Floods! In Monaco! In September!


Yep we got caught up in them as in my first post the car is still in a bit of a state all the electrics got wet, we had a day with a bad misfire only running on a couple of cylinders at one point I thought we were going home on the back of a tow truck