essex meet in march

hey i know the last one got cancelled really due to weather, as weather is picking up does anyone fancy meeting in essex before all the shows, as ive only meet one person in person on this forum would like to meet some more?

any ideas on places and dates?

I’ll be there if I can :slight_smile:

I’m still in the Exige minus Engine clan…Doubt it will be done during March but hopefully can catch you guys up to say hello

cool any more for the meet, what about venue? i know me and ade are more southend area wheres others from?

Im Southend way also Nitro…Ashingdon…

Fatcat is the other side of Essex to us.

Think we said Chelmsford last time. Saturdays ae good for us rather than the normal Sunday runs. Not sure when you were thinking…

well shall we make it 20th march at 12.00 at the dlva office road, as im sure we all know where that is.

[quote=ade]Fatcat is the other side of Essex to us.

Where’s Pete gone anyway :confused:


Finally got the car back on Saturday so been on the roads running it in over the weekend. Be good to get a meet organised soon to catch up.


You get yours back and mine is in, I get it back Thursday, then off to Oulton and then it will be at JSRacing for a week or so to have the gearbox done.
Then I will be up for a meet :slight_smile:

How is the car?

Hehe, mine is going back next week too for the final setup after running it in.

The car is good so far…been a knightmare process from start to finish…but that’s a different story…and now it’s back…well…it’s seem worth the trouble we’ve had.

Going to Classic Le Mans next Thursday so hopefully all will go well with the final setup and it will be making the journey with us.

Hope you have fun at Oulton and let us know when your back on the road.

Classic Le Mans, have a great time I am most jealous :wink:

These things can be a trial sometimes, I’ve been without my car for months before :frowning:

Glad to hear the car is back in one piece and all is running well.

Jealous that you’re off to the classic, but that because I’m still on the come down after this years Le Mans!!! (which will probably last until November at which point we’ll start organising next years jaunt).

Looking forward to seeing you around the area soon.

[quote=Stretchbolt]Hehe, mine is going back next week too for the final setup after running it in.

The car is good so far…been a knightmare process from start to finish…but that’s a different story…and now it’s back…well…it’s seem worth the trouble we’ve had.

Going to Classic Le Mans next Thursday so hopefully all will go well with the final setup and it will be making the journey with us.

Thanks Gus,

I’ve never been before so really looking forward to it…as soon as I’m back I’ll drop you all a message for a meet up :slight_smile:

I hope to have my car back and ready for a meet in a couple of weeks, it seems to be spending too much time in garages just now :frowning:

Have you got the car back on the road yet Ade?

How about trying to set a date for a meet…31st July??

No, my car is now with JS Racing for the gearbox upgrade, might be able to do something on the 31st we can try to arrange a bit nearer to the day :slight_smile:

Arh…I hope all goes well.

Yeah…let us know when your back on the road again then :slight_smile:

I should be collecting the car Saturday from JS Racing, but I’ve got issues with the Charge Cooler so the car might need mapping again, which is very annoying :frowning: