Esprit content

Mrs T is laid up with cold . . so she is watching Pretty Woman for the umpteenth time . . .normally I avoid screenings of said movie but just realised it features the Lotus Esprit. Early part of the dialogue, Richard Gere to Julia Roberts: “It’s a bit temperamental”

I seem to remember it was the directors car and was only used in the film because the Ferrari hadn’t turned up , not sure how true that is , looks great in the film .
Not that I’ve seen it :slight_smile:

Shame he mullers the gearbox. Tw@t.

Bet that would’nt been in the scrip with the dancin’ donkey :imp:

" It’s a bit temperamental" what about the Esprit :laughing:

Is she poorly or are you lol.

Both! Me, after having to sit through such dross.

And, , , .Good one ,Pete