Enough already, stop driving into me!

Guy thought I’d left the parking space, I was nearly our then crunch :blush: I’d like to say I was cool and collected, but actually I flew out and was rather abusive.

Ade, misery loves company. :nerd:

Anyway, off to Merc Brooklands to sort.

Oh no, not again. Its hardly a scratch either. Doesn’t makes sense, why so anxious to get your space?

he did see me / check / not looking.

He was reversing through an arc, so I’m betting he was looking over his left not right shoulder.

Annoyingly it’s creased the rear qtr

You’re a bloody car magnet!


A decent panel guy can get that out and make it nice with next to no filler, if you plan on keeping the car don’t let them put a quarter on it :frowning: had worse repaired by a local guy.

yeah it’ll go to merc and they’ll pull the panel out no doubt

Popped to brooklands today, assessed damage. It’s a write off and the only solution is a CLS63. :smiley:

Nah panel is more than saveable and is being collected later in the week.

Genuinely laughed out loud. Like your style. :slight_smile: