I’ve decided to treat myself to a few improvements in the engine and gearbox. Is the best way to remove these by spliting the gearbox and engine then removing the gearbox out the bottom and the engine out the top or both out the top. It’s a VHPD and I only have the floor to work on.
Yeah as Dave says, clam off, shafts out and lift it out of the top. Best to lift the engine out higher than the gearbox on an angle to make everything easier. you will have to do a little bit of twiddling to get the diff part round the subframe but its not too bad a job.
Take off all of the water pipes and just remove as much as possible, to make the job easier.
A good tip if you haven’t done this before is to take a few pictures before you start and as you go along, so you can look back to see where everything goes.