Emerald wanted...

Looking for an Emerald M3DK at a good price…
Thanks for interest

You might be pleasantly surprised if you ring Emerald direct as they aren’t that expensive new !!

I’m planning on getting mine updated to the new K3 version which is going to cost me about �70 by the time I’ve paid P+P on top of the upgrade fee. However you can have mine (13 months old fully working etc) for �610 and I’ll just buy a new one which would save me the hassle of posting it and waiting. I know it’s not a great offer, but it’s there if you’re interested.

Bloody hell mate you really are the salesman, he could by a brand new one himself for les than that!!! lol

Bloody hell mate you really are the salesman, he could by a brand new one himself for les than that!!! lol

I was going by the price on Emerald\eliseparts.com, but if you can get a new one cheaper than that then I’d be happy to buy it cheaper and pass the saving on.

P.S. If you’re going by the price on the Emerald website you have to add VAT and delivery

On web page as �580 plus VAT and postage, and that Includes :- PC control software, base maps, operator’s manual, PC communications lead, and ECU loom-plug & pins.

On > web page > as �580 plus VAT and postage, and that Includes :- PC control software, base maps, operator’s manual, PC communications lead, and ECU loom-plug & pins.

Should have mentioned that I have all of that as well. Or at least I would have if I bought a new one, lol.

the price at emerald seems to be 680 including VAT…correct !

I have a MBE in stock but i don’t know this ECU. Perhaps it is as good as an emerald ? ( it has to be fitted on a vhpd )

Hey Franck,

I have mailed you regarding my Emerald M3DK.