MD3K ecu.
purchased this recently off a selocer without realizing it wont run VVC
Serial Number of unit is 41254
computer lead and install disc included
currently installed with a 340R map.
postage included for UK
Priced at what i paid for it £450
feel free to email me at: [email protected]
or text/call on 07580026003
P&P installation on S1 Exige?
Ecu lead included?
Ecu to PC lead included as is installation CD
On an S1 exige i believe there are two options one is to have a loom made up the other is to have the emerald ecu plug wired directly into the exist loom.
Taken from a post by Winthatt on MLOC
“I have a really good map for an emerald and a 190 vhpd. It makes my Exige drive like a normal car. BUT…an S1 a Exige is NOT plug and play with an Emerald, it has an EFI ecu with a totally different connector. You have to make an adapter loom to get it to work. If you are interested I have the tricky to source connector. I have the wiring map as well and can tell you how to adapt the relays to make it work. It is all on the a Emerald site as well but ignore their advice on the relays, it Is not the best solution.”
Also from Dr H on MLOC:
"You don;t need an adapter loom for the S1 Exige / 340r you can cut the ECU plug off and wire on the Emerald connector. This is the ways it’s done on mine.
No one has ever produced a commercially available adapter loom but I know someone who did their own. Pretty sure the connector you need for the original lotus ECU is from an E90 BMW."
Friendly note, aside from the ECU not running VVC, it also can’t be upgraded to K3 spec: “Emerald M3DK to K3 ECU upgrade If you are the owner of an Emerald M3DK and your ECU’s Serial number is later than 41272 then you can take advantage of our upgrade to the later K3 ECU specification.”.
Will matter to some peeps but not others. HTH.