Elvington, with video.

Hello folks,

Went to Elvington today for a track day. Weather was generally wet and greasy with it drying up properly for the last few hours. I went to learn the car, and to find the limits, which I did as you will see. But then you only know the limits if you’ve stepped over them. First time out in the car on a circuit and I was impressed by its abilities. Anyway, I’ve put a video of a comedy 2 mins I had in the slime for you to all laugh at…the punchline is at the end

Go here



PS I can post others if peeps want to see dry runs and get a feel of the place.

Here’s another, in the dry.


Big thumbs up to Andy. Got a passenger ride at Elvington - WOW they (Exige)really are THAT GOOD!!! And Andys driving when he’s not getting black flagged or gooning about

That was my fault - I took my hand held camera out and didnt realise it was a no no! OOPS

Great day - any one thinking of buying an Exige needs to blag a track day ride.

The Stradale was only any good in a straight line but I think that was more to do with the driver.

Everyone looked to have a great time. Lots of room to spin off and not that busy
