Elise speedo issues

I’m having some issues with the speedo in the Elise, it regularly flickers below 30mph bouncing between 0 and 30, also it can fail to work at all.
The car appears to have a new speed sensor fitted to the nearside rear hub, but the ring on the drive shaft is very rusty. Is it worth cleaning that up? Try a new speed sensor or start trying to hunt down a broken wire?

If the ring is very rusty then do give it a clean first. Also check any connectors for dirt, corrosion, etc. A broken wire would be more likely to cause either (a) no signal at all or (b) erratic readings right across the range, rather than primarily lower speeds.

Thanks, I’ll get out the wire brush :slight_smile:

Also make sure that the sensor is as close to the hub ring as possible ie. almost touching. Mine did the same thing, erratic below 30 and over 140, moving the sensor sorted it.

Don’t think I can test 118hp Elise at 140+ LOL but I will look at that.

How do you get it closer, is there adjustment?

No adjustment so just need to fit a washer/spacer to move sensor out slightly.

Thanks, I’ll get the rear wheel off and have a fiddle.

Titter :laughing:

Fine humour! :sunglasses:

Is one of you guys Sir Michael Fallon…?

I’m much worse, I generally go in for the hug :astonished:

I say old chap, how jolly nice of you :laughing: