Electronics guru needed

Any electronic gurus amonst us :laughing:
After fitting 4 new wheel speed sensors my speedo will not work the ABS light was illuminated but went out once driven and no fault codes.
Everything on the instrument panel works as it should just no speedo.
I have double checked all the hub sensors and they work as they should.
The car has variable slip traction control fitted but the traction control button on the centre console is not plugged in (console away at trimmers)
Anyway would this button not plugged in stop the speedo from working and the speedo getting a signal.
Checked all fuses etc and wires going into the instrument panel and all appear ok.
This is a 2010 black dash car.

It would be the most logical explanation why the speedo wasnt reading!

Not too familiar with your specific Exige model. Presumably though, as the system is variable, it has some type of control to set the amount of slip?

If so - and that is what’s disconnected currently - then the speedo is unlikely to be receiving any signal and hence isn’t displaying what it should.

Yeah you can limit the amount of slip from 8% to 0% and also adjust the launch control.
Cant do a great deal more until i get the button back as trying to read the Lotus Electrical circuit diagrams is a nightmare.

I wouldn’t lose any sleep over it until you can reconnect the TC switch and rule it out.

The slip % calculation comes from speed difference between the front and rear axle, so it’s all intermingled with the ABS system and speedo output - so it’s not a huge leap to assume they’re related.

When I broke a speed sensor on my original hubs, the ABS light sparked up immediately, as it did another time when my wiring popped out of its p-clip and got burned through by the rim of my wheel around Blyton :unamused:

My speedo worked fine with both variable knob and Tc button removed recently

If you start the engine lots of times without the button attached I think you might have issues, something about the ECU checking 8 times fir the button then if not found it deactivated it.

Probably wrong but worth googling

Thanks i was hoping that would not he the case, a world of chasing signals awaits ow joy :sleepy:

Not wrong, as i mention earlier, Cant remember the number of times, But the rest is right

Does the speeedo and rev counter go thru the reset sweep if you disconnect from the car and reconnect?

Hi Dave yes it does, rev counter first to about half way then speedo to half way.
Like i say everything else works perfect includding abs light not illuminated

Well i plugged the TC switch in and yes its no better :sleepy::sleepy:
The fact the ABS light is off would sudgest the speed sensor is working.
Any hints on what to check next ? ABS controller ? ECU? Stack unit ?

Go backwards - not literally.

Can you set everything back up how it was last working?

No not really i think i need a can of petrol though


Call a dealer or specialist. There was a reset process that involved the door opened (really) and turning the key to pos I or II and pressing the milage reset button or something similar. That reset the ecu settings AFAIR.

have you tried to disconnect the battery for 24 hours to allow everything to reset if it can

Thankyou to all the help and advice, i have finally found the issue after a few nights of checking and tracing wires.
It turned out the fuse box, fuse holder had corroded up so only 11.6 Volts getting to the ABS unit. Once replaced the terminals all is now well.
Thanks again no can of petrol needed.

I was about to make an essential trip to the North West with a can of petrol and matches as well.

Glad its sorted Lee!

Great work, annoying issue but no harm done in the end. Result :thumbup:

It’s funny how taking a car apart and rebuilding can uncover these types of issue.