So the lotus factory loom leave something to be desired but generally ok, however start hacking it about and adding circuites and engine swaps and often you’re left with a rats nest of connectors and loom by the n/s rear arch
So I’m setting out to clean mine up, new fuse and relay panel to replace the MFRU (I know RU stands for Relay Unit, can only imagine MF is multiple failure) and migrate the ECU into the cabin.
Started out making this:
Basically does what the MFRU unit did, but with fuses and on proper Duetsch plugs.
Sneak peek at how the engine loom is coming on, wrapped with DR-25 heatshrink
Proper stainless bodied 0-100psi pressure sensors (one for oil one for fuel)
actually I don’t mind them, I looked any various way to secure the lines; stuck on tags, velcro loops we use on the fibre optics at work, but this was simple and reasonably effective
Any zip ties used in the loom for strain relief are under Raychem shrink
Just ordered one of these, the supported wideband module for the dash but also hondata. Need to speak with tdi to see if I can ditch the OE sensor and use the narrow output.