Duxford today

Nice day at Duxford today, shame the weather tried to dampen things a bit. Good to meet a few more people and put faces to names.
A few of the Exiges.

A shame most had gone as it was the end of the day(also the picture is a bit blurry ).

What a splendid array of colours!

Glad you had fun.


Great Picture Mark. You went for a fly afterall then Shame it wasn’t earlyer in the day when all the cars were there.

It was a good Exige/Lotus turnout despite the lack of sunshine 8 Exige out of a a total of 26 Lotus, with Elise S1 & S2, Elans and Excels And a very cold & damp Jim & Caroline in there 340R.

Big Thanks to everybody who came along.

Steve & Martin Edwards.

Excellent day out had by all I believe.

Great to meet a few more Exigers and few more people to scratch their heads over my throttle bodies

I’ll post a few pictures as soon as I can.
Looked at my camera last night and only took 263 photos

Yep great picture Mark and a great day out, was well worth the trip just to hear those Merlin engines … Thought they sounded a bit like the Exige on tickover tho’

Yep nice to see, Chris, Les, Robbo, Simon & Elaine, Mark, RichO, The Edwards duo and their fine cars there. and all the other Lotus cars of course.

Robbo may be a trick of the light but does Mark’s photo suggest your front ride height may be a tad on the high side


Good day had by all I reckon. A big thanks goes to the Edwards duo for arranging it. Nice to meet up with the crew from Donington again. Simon, bet you thought you’d lost me for a minute on the way home


yes, unfortunatly we were supposed to go up immediatly after the Spitfire and Hurricane landed but it was postponed due to the low cloud otherwise I could have got a picture of all the cars.

At least Stuart (the small person) enjoyed it.

One more picture.


Is Simon E the guy with the blue Exige that turned up?

Simon & Elaine Turner would have had the lazer blue one.


is lazer blue the light blue? I spoke to the guy with the darker blue car sunday and just wondered who he was? (third car from the left on the photo) He’s got a nice leather retrim in his car.

Chris, the Cobalt Blue Exige with silver alloys is me, Rich_0, Simon has the silver Exige with the private S1 XGE number plate, I think its that anyway…sorry Simon if I have got it wrong…even after spending all that time behind you on the A1M I can’t remember!!

Near enough Rich, but new aluminium if you please . Sorry for holding you up on the Motorway By the way where do you strap your surfboard onto the Exige

Don’t take one mate, the Exige comes with its own bolted on the back