dumb ass i know but gotta ask

on the elise s1 the boot cover works off a hinge, has anyone noted if it is the same hinge used to operate the exige s1 engine cover?

what do the rear clam supports do? is it to help against force being pressued down from the rear spoiler?

how will i attach me new standard s1 spoiler the the new exige rear clam?

does an s1 exige have a boot like the s1 elise?

on the elise s1 the boot cover works off a hinge, has anyone noted if it is the same hinge used to operate the exige s1 engine cover?

No they are completely different (going by the picture in the parts manuals)

what do the rear clam supports do? is it to help against force being pressued down from the rear spoiler?

They appear to hold the clam up, I can’t remember from memory how the elise clam is fitted.

how will i attach me new standard s1 spoiler the the new exige rear clam?

The standard Elise spolier is part of the clam? I’m confused as to what you mean. The exige spoiler is screwed on through the clam.

does an s1 exige have a boot like the s1 elise?

No it doesn’t really have a boot, more of an aluminium panel between the engine and the clam. It’s also open to the elements unlike the Elise which is sealed (all be it not very well)

thanks …everythin i need to know…

If you are fitting one of those motorsport rear clams you will need the aluminium sections that bond to the clam and bolt to the long irons i can put you in touch with a company that will supply these for you if needed.

If you are fitting one of those motorsport rear clams you will need the aluminium sections that bond to the clam and bolt to the long irons i can put you in touch with a company that will supply these for you if needed.

Yes purlease any pics of said bits btw?

thanks evo, got sorted with th supports.

cant wait 1-2 months it will be finished!!! woooohooooo