DTM Audi A4

Lapped the Norising in Nuremburg to take pole position for Audi yesterday.Would have been faster but for the bike carrier-induced oversteer.

And got a mild ticking off from a German official for entering a closed area

Not following orders in Nuremberg…it’s a new defense.


What have you been up to…,

On way home from seeing first grandchild for first time (2 weeks old)In Nurnburg where my son works for Adidas. The DTM race track is set out on public roads around Hitler’s old parade ground. Missed race by one day this time but been to see it a couple of times before. First grandchild was a priority! Now on way home via Cologne and Rotterdam. (And Hull)

Safe journey. Beautiful country Germany, spent four years there.

Great country, indeed. Great beer, bread and sausages. And they have lane discipline on the autobahn. I reckon our economy would boom if we could get the middle lane hoggers to get out of the road!


Have a good trip back Steve.

I will be sampling the autobahns in a couple of weeks time and the beer :smiley:

I love Germany, my brother in law lived in Cologne for a few years. A night out on the kolsch with the locals was always a good laugh…