Driving abroad - headlights dipping incorrectly

Hello All,

Just a quick post … off to enjoy a lovely drive along the by-ways (avoiding the highways) of our French neighbour. Now PC La Plod has reportedly been getting a bit uppity with us Brits for ignoring all their lovely rules-of-the-road (according to The Times - so it must be true!?!) … so, equipped with my warning triangle, first-aid kit, and set of spare blubs I come to my headlights, and the fact that they dip the wrong way and are protected by a lovely plastic cover making access a touch difficult. Do I really have to prise the covers off to stick those little beam deflectors onto my headlamps?? Or is there a more elegant solution?

Good question!

Cant say its ever been a real problem for me in the past (probably the kiss of death now)… but to be fair i’ve done most of my driving during daylight hours and during the summer, so often means up until 8pm…


So … now that a few people have looked at my posting, is the general concensus - do nothing, and hope you don’t get pulled?!?

I think you’re fine. You won’t have any trouble with the lights. I know soooooo many English living on the French Riviera that drive everyday all year long all sort of UK registered cars with driving lights as yours and they never had any problems here. Enjoy the drive.

Is yours an S2? If so changing the headlights to the LHD setting is very easy (5 mins each light).

Just a quick post … off to enjoy a lovely drive along the by-ways (avoiding the highways) of our French neighbour.

Doing the same thing soon, and so have the same problem. Its not really been a problem over the last few years - except the time I was stopped by a Swiss (I think) cop for not driving with my dipped headlights on in the middle of a very sunny day.

I think more of the continental countries are adopting the headlights always on policy, so its harder to argue that you don’t need to change the alignment as you will not be driving at night.

Still dont have a solution, although i have heard that a bit of gaffer tape on the outside of the perspex cover might be seen as enough of an effort to get you off a fine if stopped?

Last time I went to France I had the same dilemma. In the end, I just adjusted the lamps downwards a bit so I wouldn’t dazzle anybody too much. I also took the beam deflector things with me just in case.

just put some black electrical tape on the left side of covers. Should peel off without leaving a mark.

Saves you getting a fine !

I was beginning to think that too.


Thanks All

Black electrical tape it is!

Now there’s just the small problem of the speed limit to contend with … but I’m pretty sure my Exige comes equipped with a pedal to deal with that - that funny one between the ‘go faster’ & ‘change up’ pedals

just put some black electrical tape on the left side of covers. Should peel off without leaving a mark.

OK this makes be sound an idiot - but where exactly to put the tape? Can anyone post a photo or two and then the collective can come to a consensus…a little like bit Bernie the Bolt if anyone is old enough to remember that!

I’d have said anywhere that’ll convince the French police. Surely?


Ok I guess…I was just hoping for a more scientific approach!