Don't sell your Lotus!!!!!

If you like the sound it makes…


The sound of a supercharger, air induction, the exhaust screaming, all going.
Track days will sound completely rubbish!

Morrison Electric Milk Float.MOV - YouTube

Noooooo! :cry:

It’s certainly a brave direction if that’s where Lotus are going. I can see the argument against hybrid (excess weight) but I think it would be foolish to not offer a petrol engine option in an enthusiast car.

I still think they should consider licensing the S1 Elise to be built à la the Caterham Seven. That would be a nice link to the heritage while the main brand could focus on new tech.

Anyway, I’m off to fire up the VHPD and get a ear/lung-ful while I still can :crazy:

It’s probably not as bigger news as it first sounds… if we assume that sales of new ICE engines will be banned in 2030 as per the current trajectory, then Lotus only really had time for one more generation of cars anyway under the petrol era (at their rate of development).

ETA: Lotus seem to do the concept of a run-out model really, really well. I think some real future classics will be the last MY of V6 that they produce (especially if it has ‘Cup’ in the name) and then of course the last car they do of the generation after that - could end up in bubbles of GT3 RS proportions.

I also take take the detail of this with a pinch of salt as it’s from autoexpress. Autocar et al are all saying there will be an esprit first before and Elise replacement before then going electric…

It is no secret that all manufacturers are looking to add EVs to their portfolio, sooner rather than later, but to ditch petrol-powered models, especially for a company like Lotus, is quite a drastic change, and, I guess, that they are looking to doing so as early as 2022 is a bit hard to stomach.

Also, thought the following excerpt is rather interesting;
It’s likely that Lotus will look to move beyond the firm’s current price range of between £45,000-£85,000 in order to increase profits and move the brand into a more desirable area of the market.

Didn’t think Lotus was any less desirable if one wanted a true driver’s car, but can see that buyers demand more luxury and creature comforts - all things that add weight!