Donny tomorrow evening 7th May

Me, Muu, ChrisB and DaveP will be at Donny tomorrow evening.

For me and DaveP we’re out in BaT’s latest machine…its Caterham 620R time :sunglasses:

Bring it on !! Weather looking good too.

Can’t think of a better way of getting away from all the election nonsense…

yeah looking forward to some time out

Its brand new with 400 miles on the clock, not a mark on it. Weighing in at 500kg with a 310bhp supercharged Duratec and Sadev sequential. Yup and it’s all ours for an evening of fun around Donny :clap:

Oh but what’s that before we’ve even signed on,…a bit of rain…no actually its completely torrential rain stop/start for the whole evening :unamused:

So what’s it like trying to deploy somebody else’s very shiny, pristine 620bhp/ton in the sopping wet…well mildly terrifying tbh :open_mouth: :astonished:

Oh and I now really really really love sequentials :thumbup:

…and when I said a bit of rain…

That must make even your S1 seem tame Benja ??

  • had a bloody dream recently that you were a top model car technician and you charged me 400 quid to fit a crankcase breather on my championship winning toy car *
    Wierd !!

What can I say… I was too worried about stuffing it into a gravel trap or worse to properly enjoy the 620 on a wet circuit…

As above, it was very wet, and if you tried to squeeze the power in a little too much, even on a straight, the car would just spin up the rears and slew sideways…without doubt I would have been quicker in an R300. The power is quite deceptive as it’s so linear it doesn’t feel like it snaps your head off (although that may feel different in the dry when you can get the power on quicker)

Even as the track started to dry a little, I was trying to apply full throttle down the back straight, and over a little undulation the rear unweighted and the rears spun up…

I would LOVE to have a drive of the car in the dry…I am sure it would be a riot ! - and perhaps if it hadn’t been brand new, we would have been a little more adventurous… but honestly I was happy to return the car in one piece at the end of the evening!

well I had a HOOT in the R300, many sideways moments that make you feel you like a hero one hand with a 1/2 turn of ‘oppo’ other blocking the sun from your eyes (need a new visor)

I did take it through the gravel trap, but kept the momentum in the car and made it out the other side.

Yeah the supercharged power delivery was familiar to me but its ability to spin the rears in a straight-line at big speeds certainly focussed the mind…oh and that sequential box, did I mention how cool the sequential was :smiley:

As for the model-car technician, trust me you’d paying me £400 to not go anywhere near your toy car :laughing:

This was also my over-riding emotion!!

Glad you had fun Tim, I was actually a wee bit jealous of your R300 time. Hope your Dad is feeling better…

I was driving up from camden thinking, hmmm should I have put my brave undercrackers on stepped up to sharing the 620R

Rain on the M1 made me chuckle and feel happy to be in the R300 :laughing:

Drive home was clear, 6.2 V8 up front, and if I’m honest boring compared to even a sighting lap on track.

Looks like another great fun time :thumbup:

Warmest regards to your Dad!