Donny Bookatrack - June 19th

Booked in for this one …

Yeah I could be up for that Andy. I’m seeing Tim/ChrisB for lunch this week so they’ll probably be in too, especially Chris since the 211 lives there too with our cars.

Oh and I bet DaveP will up for a Donny trip by then eh Dave :wink:…2weeks til 620R day bud :sunglasses:

If I’m in the country - I’ll definitely be up for this :smiley:

Ah yeah, would be great to have a few Exigers together :sunglasses:

Stan warms up the Orange Car …

StanDonny - YouTube

Looking good Andy,…the car looks mighty :sunglasses:

Great also that you got a trouble free day. Sad I could not make this one,…next time eh!

Stan and the car are looking good Andy

Great car. Hows the handling now, any more tweaks following Anglesey?

Ah, glad you asked …

You might notice that in that video it didn’t really want to turn right … could have been due to a knackred rear left Nitron !

Anyhow I already have Bens Ohlins so those are going on now …


At least you have Ohlins compatible drive shafts :wink:

:smiley: what do you mean!

It’s a dig at my car and it’s journey of unreliability :frowning:. It will get sorted…it’s currently in disgrace in a corner at Donny.

Is it worth speaking with Dan Webster Ben, I believe he’s worked on some quite reliable drive shafts of late.

Thanks Jonny. Yeah not worked out what I’m doing yet. Gonna get it sorted though and give the car a bit of a bling up this autumn (not on your scale though!),…just sorting out a couple of other things first :smiley: