Donnington 27th Feb Photo Shoot!

Mmmmm… Looks like a fair few Exiges will be there! How about a contrived photo shoot on a pit straight drive by(someone will have to keep Pesky at the back otherwise it will be impossible for the camera to get the correct exposure!)…

Lunch break would be a good stationary line up too! I am sure the BookaTrack photographers would oblige!?

Pete photo supremo, Benja, will be there with his Kodak Brownie.

Don’t know how he does it, but he gets the thing to work quite well - tsuphoto Resources and Information. - he has been groomed by Jason

And yes - that is Adrian Newey enjoying his day with us

You could line all the cars up…behind a snowman. That would be different

Benja, will be there with his Kodak Brownie

Afarid I don’t bring my camera gear to t’days anymore because I end up worrying about safe places to put it and end up taking pics instead of driving or engaging in pit garage natter.

You’ll be pleased to hear however that the signs are good that Tap and I will be shooting for LOTRDC again in 2008

The Benja shots solve the ‘what color Exiges’ thread well! And, why is your Exige blue Pesky!
See you there!

And, why is your Exige blue Pesky!

Cos that’s the colour I specc’d it new.

Afarid I don’t bring my camera gear to t’days anymore…

I shall try and bring mine in a compact enough fashion for a group shot. If Ben can bring himself to touch a Nikon he can take the shot.


If Ben can bring himself to touch a Nikon

…ohhh I don’t know, I think Tap may have explictly prohibited it in my TSU contracct

Ben, is 28mm (f3.5) wide enough on a APS (x1.5) sensor? I have a 17mm but it’s bulkier.


Bit long, we’ll just have to park up closer together

Alright, I’ll bring the proper lens.

…oh man I’m only just back from Taipei tomorrow and the first thing I’ll have to do is wash and wax the car…this is not going to go down well with the wife See you there Garage 15 if you need some cover anyone but hey I doubt we’ll need it weather