Donington Roll Call

[color:“red”] Exiges Day 29th April [/color]

Tracksport (Tel: 01270 666500) will open this to the public from Monday 20th March, so to guarantee your place you must book now!

The following peeps have said they’ll be there, but have not as yet contacted Tracksport:

Mr Admin
Mike Stripe
John Ormerod
Kris Jordan
Nick Ledger
Gav (Tarmac Terrorist)
Simon Crossland
Steve Field
Tom Houlbrook
Con McL
Chris Randall
Richard Parham

I paid my deposit on the day I signed up.


Yep you did, sorry mate, I’d forgotten your “real name”. Original post amended accordingly.

Look forward to meeting you on the 29th April, Willie

OK I’m shamed. Just too busy, honest… I’ll book on Friday at the latest!


Me also… now I know why you wanted my surname

I’ve hardly had time to do anything of late, work has gone mental plus moving house at the end of the month and my collegue is away skiing - if I’m lucky I’ll get chance to pick up the trailer next week and book myself on something for as soon as I’ve moved house

Can anyone confirm which Hotel is being used for the cheapo deal, I couldn’t find it on here (my fault, i’m crap at IT ).

I intend to sort it all out during this weekend’s Donny trip.

Thanks in anticipation.



It’s the “Thistle” - �55 per room not per person.

Thanks Rob, I’ll get it sorted.


I’m booked!
And we know Mr Admin has the polo shirt…

Soon as I get back dude ([censored], pickin up the lingo already).

Thanks Gav

From the reports on NYLOC, you & Nick are having a great trip in the USA - keep the piccies coming

Oh yeah baby…Thats just a few of the piccies we took, the rest will follow when we get back.

Nick really hooked us up great for the A1 GP at Laguna Seca with team China. Pretty much spent most of the day in the pit area with them watching the race from the screens in their pit box, we were no more than 2 mtrs away for the tyre change area when they came in to do their stop. Excellent bunch of guys… Just ashame about the driver! Unfortunatley they have their hands tied badly with all the politics behind the team and who sits in the seat.

Got a great souvenier from it all though…At the end of the day when they were packing everything away they gave me a piece of the car…I was given the wooden skid plate from underneath with the ‘Lola’ emblem carved into it. It will be proudly hung on the wall when I get back.

Post deleted by mike lane

Booked and confirmed, Dad!

Me too

Con McL.

Me too

Con McL.

Of the Clan Mcloud?

Thanks for letting us know guys

Me too

Con McL.

Of the Clan Mcloud?

Not quite and nor I am immortal !!! (well not that I know anyway )


Hope there’s no-one called Clancy Brown registered at Donnington otherwise I will be sh1t1ng myself !!!

Me too

Con McL.

Of the Clan Mcloud?

Not quite and nor I am immortal !!! (well not that I know anyway )


Hope there’s no-one called Clancy Brown registered at Donnington otherwise I will be sh1t1ng myself !!!

Indeed. There can be only one…

booked as promised