Donington Lotus Show Anyone?

Just wondering if any of you guys are going to Lotus show at Donington Park on 27/28 March

Yeah,certainly gonna try.Not sure what day yet tho’

Possibly - fingers crossed that RussT requires the services of a very willing chauffeur to drive the Gay Lardymobile

Hiya Guys!

What’s happening at the Lotus show in Donnington?

I couldn’t find anything on the Donnington Park website. Is there any chance of the Mk2 Exige being there?


Rob, don’t want any of dem posh cars turning up - but can I sit in it please mister

Show is annual Club Lotus bash - always underadvertised. Good day out I reckon, 100’s of Lotus cars mainly Elises, Esprits, Elans, etc but always good turnout of older models. Eliseparts, Motobuild, etc, etc have stands…

…but always good turnout of older models.

Speak for yourself, ya wrinkley!

Yep I’ll be there on Saturday, I’m stopping at Woodall services on the way down about 9.00ish I think there may be quite a few others doing the same thing

Hi All,

It’s usually quite a good show, Obviously lots of lotus stuff! Eliseparts, Kelsports, Paul Mattys, Etc. And the usual smattering of non related stalls.

Dad and me will be there all weekend on the Lotus Drivers Club stand So come and say “Hello”.

As for the S2 Exige, We are working on a deal with our “friendly” local Lotus dealer (CD Bramell) in Leicester to get there Demo S2 Exige for the stand. They Have said that if they have it delivered in time then we can have the car for the show. So watch this space!!

The show is worth the trip, Afterall its a drive out in the car followed buy lots of other Lotus to look at while supping a cool beer from the onsite bar (just the one though)

See you there.


I’ll definately be there on one day or the other. If there’s a load of us going on the same day, we should meet up. Anyone fancy something like the same plan we did a few years ago when we all met at Donington services and then arrived at the show in convoy?

The guys at Nick Whales have told me they will definately take an Exige S2 to the show. They said if they don’t have their demonstrator, they’ll borrow one from the factory. I really want to see one, I actually rather like it.

I will be there on saturday but as boss is coming she is not keen on the 400 mile trip in the Exige so dont think my silver pipe and slippers would look very impressive in line of Exiges. Booked into Hilton East Midlands so hope to see a few of you there


Sounds like fun - what day then ?

Will be travellin’ down M1 with Mr Dedgood on Saturday, arrive at Donington Services 0945ish

Looks like I’m otherwise engaged on the Saturday
Anybody want to meet on Sunday?

I shall be going on the Saturday, and I do believe there is a group of elise owners traveling from south that are planning on meeting up at different locations during the journey.Last year we had a group of us leave from Orchard Lotus ( near Northampton ) and i’m hoping this may be the case this year although I need to confirm this.

My car will be on the SELOC stand Saturday and Sunday (with the Edwards boys bits attached ) Although I will only be there on the Sunday (& early Sat) so come and say hello on Sunday.

Tango are sponsoring our stand so lots of chrome orange cars including the S2 Exige on the Saturday and a Caterham on the Sunday. Also the Lotus Lada will be there Sat & Sun.

Will be travellin’ down M1 with Mr Dedgood on Saturday, arrive at Donington Services 0945ish

Simon, I will meet up with you at Donington Services 9.45 ish, I will have the CAT with me if I don’t get it to you sooner.

Rich, Donington will be fine for cat delivery, unless you have an Exige moment before then - see you 0945ish…

Maggsy and I will be going on Sunday, hoping to get there at about 11:00, probably in his new Elise…

Of course it is Black !!!

Lets have a roll call of those going on Sunday, and maybe we can have a coffee ??

Russ & I will be there too

Not going in the Gay Lardy - taking Russ’s Esprit Sport 300 with a “For Sale” notice.

See ya there