Keep up
This has been on the cards since early last year. Although I haven’t met them yet I understand that the new owners are both ‘petrol heads’ in the truest sense of the word and have both been involved in motor sport for many years, albeit not in a public way. I think it is inconceiveable that Tom Wheatcroft would have sold the lease to anyone who didn’t have a genuine interest in motor sport and in that respect the new owners probably have better credetials than the previous group.
I had a meeting with the MD yesterday, who has not changed, and am assured that all will be well although he did say that the new owners were keen to expand on the ‘family entertainment’ side of the business, i.e. an attempt to attract complete families to motor sports events. More of the estate is now available to the operators and so there is greater scope (i.e. outside the concrete walls) for more to happen. e.g. There have been rock concerts at Donington for many years and these will continue, as will the Sunday market etc. but there are ideas to develop the woods and the original Melbourne Loop areas…
I’m sure that there will be no noticeable change in the short to medium term.
See also HERE