Does this unfortunate Exige owner post on here????

Just got an Email from mi’ mate who saw this in the Daily Mail - assume he means today??

Have a look at the Daily Mail for today. A guy sold his modified Exige and part of the deal was the car had a full Valet. He took it to some outfit and then later got a call to say there had been an accident. The Valet Company owner had decided to take it for a ride and wrote it off big time. Apparently the Valet Co insurance will not cover it as there is no reason for the car to be taken off the premises.
Nice one the to$$er!

At least it was a Series 2!

At least it was a Series 2!

Aah, so “modified” meant roof off - served him right, then

this was posted on SELOC… looked like an S1 to me…


man that is a messed up S1

Not sure about the Sun’s valuation of the car either �32K The values are not quite that high …yet

Not sure about the Sun’s valuation of the car either �32K The values are not quite that high …yet


At least it was a Series 2!

Looks like an S1 to me. The engine cover is missing but the spoiler is still visible.

Hope he, or his insurers, sue the bastards to hell and back.

Think you’ll find you’re wrong there thommo…

“Stone him, stone him!!”

OOPs! Eye test for Thommo. Excuse: Just got up and looked over Mrs T’s shoulder and barely took in the details, despite being a trained observer. Sorry, all you S2 folk. And this from an Elise owner. too.

"Does this unfortunate Exige owner post on here???

Guess not if the BBC is to be believed “I only took it out now and again”

"Does this unfortunate Exige owner post on here???

Guess not if the BBC is to be believed “I only took it out now and again”
BBC NEWS | England | Devon | Probe after £32,000 Lotus wrecked >

good point - and he was selling it!


Ah well, that’s one less making the remainder even rarer Every cloud… & all that

I saw this in the paper today, felt sick when I saw it. I always feel concerned when I leave my car with anybody to do work on it. you just cannot trust anybody. I hope the muppet who crashed it feels like shite for what hes done and gets sued for every last penny. will make him think twice before taking a joy ride in somebody elses car.

In these kind of circumstances (leaving the car at a shop for cleaning or repair) a programmable ECU comes in handy. On my turbocharged MX-5 I had a couple of years ago I could set the rev-limit. So I was just a matter of dropping the car of and after shutting the engine down, reset the rev limit to 2000 rpm.

ps. it’s also a great anti theft feature… (rev limt set to 400rpm, no way to start it)

having been an elise owner for a few years im now looking for a series 1 exige but think i’ll give this a wide berth when it appears in the salvage pages!
the front offside alloy looks like its gone a little past repairing, need more than a few stick on weights to sort that out.

Reassuring to see one take a decent whack and apparently not harm occupants (physically at least).


Reassuring to see one take a decent whack and apparently not harm occupants (physically at least).


they did interview the driver but as he couldn’t string a sentence together before he drove the car then they had no idea if he suffered any head injury

I might try and track him down to see if he wants to sell his rear wheels!

Hey would loose more than just his company if he did that to my car, id be after his house aswell!!