Dirty Engine Bay

In my quest to find the Exige of my dreams I have so far viewed three examples.One feature common to them all is the surprisingly dirty state of the engine due to the airbox inlets letting in a mixture of dirt and water. Unless one drives totally dry miles I would have thought this was inevitable. My question is does anyone have a pristine car out there in this respect or is this a general issue with the Exige

My Exige has 6000 miles and is as new.Maybe i’m crazy for it…i hate dirty engines! [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/smile.gif[/image]Nicolas

Hmmm hardly an important issue, but yes they do get dirty, its a fact of life, the NACA ducts underneath the car pull all sorts of dirt in its not the side vents unless you have a habit of driving through big puddles [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]

Jizer or gunk I think …

8000 miles here and this is the way it looks: [image]http://www.bookatrack.com/g2/uldis/6/640.124.100-0004_IMG.JPG[/image] I think I washed it only once, but everytime I wash the car I make sure I pass a damp cloth on the everything visible, not a major thing, just a quick one to pick up the dust. [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]Uldis

Thanks for the replies to date.Have decided that this isn’t a deal breaker and am looking forward to a major engine bay spring clean when I get my Exige

quote:Originally posted by Hethel Merman:In my quest to find the Exige of my dreams I have so far viewed three examples.One feature common to them all is the surprisingly dirty state of the engine due to the airbox inlets letting in a mixture of dirt and water. Unless one drives totally dry miles I would have thought this was inevitable. My question is does anyone have a pristine car out there in this respect or is this a general issue with the ExigeFriend has a Ferrari 360 and his engine bay gets filthy. If a 100K car and Ferrari cannot sort the problem, I doubt Lotus could have! Buy a steam cleaner!

quote:Originally posted by Tubbs: Friend has a Ferrari 360 and his engine bay gets filthy. If a 100K car and Ferrari cannot sort the problem, I doubt Lotus could have! Buy a steam cleaner!Well at least we have something in common with the Maranello set!!!

i have saved several toothbrushes over the months of exige ownership in the vain hope that i may one day get out there and clean all those nooks and crannies in the engine bay that collect so much dirt…but when its a choice of drivng or cleaning…If anyone wants an old toothbrush let me know I now have a large collection!

quote:Originally posted by stevegreen:i have saved several toothbrushes over the months of exige ownership in the vain hope that i may one day get out there and clean all those nooks and crannies in the engine bay that collect so much dirt…but when its a choice of drivng or cleaning…If anyone wants an old toothbrush let me know I now have a large collection!You need alot of help.

quote:Originally posted by stevegreen:i have saved several toothbrushes over the months of exige ownership Only because you now use “Steradent” for your dentures [image]http://www.exiges.com/ubb/NonCGI/images/icons/grin.gif[/image]