dipping my big toe!

Hi this is softy here and have been here lurking on your site gathering info on intercooler heatsoak, awaiting for approval.

Why, have put a deposit down on a 2007 exige S.

Had a lotus elise sc before, thought I wanted something different, but I was wrong, so here I go again with another lotus, this time an exige.

exige 300 x 220 ssc.jpg

Superb welcome to Exiges.com :wave:

Lovely looking car :sunglasses:

I am in Australia,

Perth West coast, but need to go to the other side of the country to collect it, Sydney. 5000km I will be driving it back…

What a road trip with my girlfriend, will keep you all posted!

Exciting times

That is what loti are for, driving!

Fly to Sydney to pick up the car Wednesday. :slight_smile:

now that’ll be a drive!

Awesome stuff!

Watch those road trains…

Great to hear from Down Under.
Not seen that colour before . . but then, my memory is shot

The colour is canyon red.


Fantastic :sunglasses:

I seem to recall that one of the factory cars that came to our trackday in 2006 (the one at Donny in the other recent thread) was that colour and I’ve never seen one since.

Good luck with the trip, how long is that gonna take?

We are stopping half way in a wine district for two day (barrosa valley) so total is 7 days minus 2 so five.

But I have done it in three, but that was pushing…

I haven’t seen the colour here in west oz either. On lotustalk they have a list of colours of exiges and top to bottom from common to rare, I think canyon red is about the third from the bottom. So not to many around.

PS. The car is pretty stock, which is what I want, as I will be using it as a daily. It has had bigger injectors, SSC ecu with their tune and a bigger fuel pump, so is about 240bhp, so a little more than stock.

Just going to pop over to the intercooler testing thread as I have already ordered a mod part and I haven’t even got the car yet.

So lotus of me… :clap:

You lucky, lucky boy. Shiraz from the Barrosa Valley is my No1 favorite :smiley:


Wow what a trip that will be. very envious.

I trust you’ll be updating this thread with pics/commentary from your adventure…

Might be best to switch to a new thread in the general section, as it will be a bit off the beaten track over in introductions. But yes will post details of the trip.

Getting excited now, flying out in a few hours to arrive in Sydney early morning, to meet the team at Simply Sports cars SSC to collect the car.


Good luck, enjoy the trip :slight_smile: