deleting posts

Is there a way to delete posts?

Lol whys that then :laughing:

If only :smiley:

I posted my stuff in each group as I thought it best to cover all areas … however I have been advised that one post was enough (I’m new to all this forum lark) so instead of boring everyone I was going to delete the excess posts …

No worries Sean, don’t worry about it.

How’s it going with Shrek?

Yea Sean, you are officially a Tosser. Welcome to the house of Tossers, you are officially one of us now :smiley:

Stop it please Ben. :cry:

I rarely go in the garage since he left.

You have a garage with a space in it! If I were you I’d be busy filling it,…come on what’s gonna fill the (considerable) void?

Here’s a clue Benja…

Oink! Oink! :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth: :open_mouth:

Shrek is in rude health … turned down an obscene amount of money for him the other day … apparently Exige S1’s are the Ferrari Dino of the next generation so I am told …

Beware of stalkers :smiley: - they follow you home and offer obscene amounts of cash to hand over your Exige :open_mouth: :mrgreen: - happened twice to me, but was strong :smiley:

Good man!

Fortunately offered by one of my clients … would sit proudly with his F40, DB4, DB5 and 2 x 70’s F1 cars … Lucky bugger

Blooming well hope so.!
S1 in refurb state now so have just been out for a blatt in the S2 and beginning to wonder why I cant keep both S1 and S2 as a sort of “Set” dont fancy an S3 …

But I might have a problem with 'er indoors. :stuck_out_tongue: