Deja Vu


So sorry to hear that you have had it happen again…

And I’m very very glad that you got out safe and sound

Buy you a beer at Pembrey if you aren’t driving ???

I have a technical issue if you don’t mind a discussion…

I had specified a top of the range fire suppression system for my car, and this just makes me more sure I have done the right thing…

In your opinion, are these systems primarily to get you out of the car safely, or are they capable of putting the fire out as well ?

are these systems primarily to get you out of the car safely, or are they capable of putting the fire out as well ?

Mike - forget about AFFF putting anything out except a small one - look at the rally boys … any serious fire is not gonna be put out by a fire system IMHO

I had one some time back on a road rally ( carb backfire into the pipercross filter ) and only a farmer with a huge barrel of water put it out

Aye, I hope it doesn’t happen anymore!
That’s it, no more fire, it’s banned!

BTW, Happy Birthday Mike!

BTW, Happy Birthday Mike!

Catching up with Martin E Enjoy that free bus pass!

All the best, matey.

BTW, Happy Birthday Mike!

Catching up with Martin E Enjoy that free bus pass!

All the best, matey.

Actually, I got the bus pass last year…

This year it’s free pussy…

This year it’s free pussy…

Ah ha! You & Mrs Slocombe will be a match made in heaven


I don’t really like posting this, but for those who haven’t seen what happened to Russ’ motor, there’s a picture here (a new addition to my 'hot’wheels collection)

Not recommended viewing for those of a nervous disposition

That looks pretty bad, I hope the heat hasn’t warped to much. Good luck getting it sorted out Russ. If I can help in any way let me know.

From the pic it looks like none of the others can bear to look.


OMG - just hope damage not as bad as it appears

Motor racing eh, you’re rather up here or down there - there’s no in between

Russ if rear wheels are damaged and you need loan of a pair…


Unbelievable… i just can’t believe you had the same bad-luck twice… gutted for you and hope you get it all sorted out. All the best.

And this is why I would like to find a good mechanic.
Somebody who I can trust with the general details.

It could have probably been some loose nuton an oil line, or it rubbing something, but it wasn’t picked up. Therefore problems.
And thus my resorting to doing things myself (well, now outsourcing the engine and gearbox build only).

If only I could trust a mechanic, I would’nt have missed this summer’s motoring.

Sorry that it happened again Russ, but you know it’s only a setback, it’ll be soon better than before.

Been away for a week so only just picked up on this. Absolutley gutted for you Russ, you must have done something pretty bad in a previous life to deserve luck like that At least as was said last time better on the track than the open road. Keep smiling at least its not your daily driver. Good luck in getting it sorted, give me a shout if I can be of any help.