Debris in Airbox

Good morning peeps

Has anyone any idea about this scenario.

Upon removing the cone air filter from an Exige then looking into the opening into the airbox there was visible debris that appeared like a sandy texture gunky grime.

The airbox had been removed no less than 40 miles previously to adjust the throttle bodies and the air filter removed and cleaned around 100miles prior to that.

On full removal of the airbox there was visible gunky grime that had accumulated on the butterflies.

What is it ? Where did it come from? And could this cause any damage to the engine? And recommended actions to ensure the engine remains healthy?

The breathers exit into the airbox so the stickyness is just oil mist, etc. from those.

This is quite normal so shouldn’t be a cause for concern. It’s standard practice on most engines (unless using an external catch tank) and is basically so the hydrocarbon vapours are then fed into combustion and burned off rather than exiting to atmosphere.

Some cars can breathe heavier than others - bizarrely the bog-standard Renault Clio 1.2 engine is one such, and on even reasonable mileage units the emissions warning light comes on due to oil residue in the airbox.

Give it a good wipe round with a cloth and some carb/injector cleaner and you’ll be fine.

Elise parts do a very neat, but not cheap, catch can for the K series. I have one in mine bolted to the divider panel in the boot. Mine produces very little oil gunk but lots of steam on cold starts.