Dear Friendly Mod...

Could I get some threads merged to bring them into one build for topic for my car?

New thread in Owners Cars please - and I’ll put a few updates in there!

Your car has come a long way in 2years eh Tim,…good on ya :sunglasses:

Pretty please?

cherry on top

Are you still waiting on this getting rolled up together?


Not a good sign for many reasons…

is the car coming back together?

box is back, and I"m getting there with the chassis loom

however not started putting it back together yet, need to get a skate on.

Do we only have one Mod “Admin5”? Thats what the search function tells me

So what happens when you want to update the forum to make it slicker… :wink:

Think a few of the regulars need promoted to Mods, share the load its the whole point of a forum.

Change? Change!

Yes we do only have one Mod, but no real moderation goes on here, we have a few people who approve new members
David (Admin5) actually own and runs the site for free, there have been upgrades and tweaks over the last couple of years to try to keep us relevant, which, I think has worked.

To no detriment because it’s only a fact that Admin5 rarely visits on here, wouldn’t he be better off selling this site or doing a deal ?

Although I guess that it’s a case of “if it’s broke, don’t fix it”