DBW Throttle adjustment

Ok so i still can’t Heel / Toe

I know a few people have adjusted the throttle pedal, so it’s a bit higher up in respect to the brake pedal.

Any tips on how to do it?

Have a look here :slight_smile:

The technique with having the upper part of your foot on the brake and than rotating your foot, using the right edge of it to blip the throttle doesn’t seem to work with me in my Exige S1. You know what they say about tall people…they have big feet And in my car the brake pedal is a lot lower when activated than the throttle. I think I will adjust them back to be inline with each other when operated (Thus brake pedal slightly higher when at rest). Then I can use the width of my foot. Left part on the brake and blip the throttle with the right. Kind a big-toe-small-toe technique

Thanks for that!

I know how to do it (can do it fine in other cars) it’s just the pedals in the Exige S need adjusting to allow me to do it.

I need the throttle pedal moving a bit higher.

Has anyone done this?

Still looking for an answer on this!

Has anyone moved the throttle pedal up a bit to aid heel toe?

Yes, how far do you need it moving?


MARKY!!! just today mate, I’ve had the stragest thing happen with my car today but let me start from 2 weeks ago!

I was told to also use left side of the right foot for brake and right side of right foot rolling it over to blip and it works BUT only just and only in trainers but not at all in the thin soled (left to right) race Puma’s as my throttle pedal is slightly high. Now just a sec, your pedals maybe different to mine as my thottle is by cable and I know from reading the service book and seeing jfk’s car that the pedal box on his S different, electronic!

Anyway I’ve had it lowered 14mm today and heel and toeing has arrived with some ease but the mad crazy thing which I was going to post in a new thread is the the extra power my car suddenly has THERE SEEMS TO BE LOADS! I’ve pax’d in Evo Will’s car and it was quick, quicker than mine, I could just feel it and we have the same thing going on!!! Not just feel also at idle on blipping the throttle I’m getting rasp from the air filter that’s never been there…Out on the road the low end grunt is excellent, on cam it’s better but low end it bloody stupidly impressive! I’m so chuffed just really bloody confused

maybe you have never had full throttle till now?

It looks that way!

Now you will be super fast and I’ll never catch you

JDS - I’d say upwards about 2-3 cm? It’s just a bit too far recessed at the moment.

Thats odd Jonny…

If you’d had it moved out a bit I could understand as there may have been some slack in the cable which has now gone. But moving it in would cause a tiny bit of slack. I’d go check the slack on the cable at the throttle arm. Should be taught, but not tight, if you see what I mean. When you push it down there should be a little bit of give.

You can also check the TPS voltages with the throttle open and closed, but I know what you are like with spanners let alone a multi meter

OK, been a while since I did this for a customer, so from a hazy memory.

Remove the DBW pedal assembley - this is the whole thing including the sensor. You will need another wiling pair of hands as bolts go from footwell to under the access panel. Once out, you can remove the pedal and arm from the potentiometer - this is the hazy bit - I think there is a clip and D shaped drive so will only go on one way. You can then ‘adjust’ the angle of the pedal to suit where you want it to be. Then as simple as putting it all back together!!!

Expect scratched arms and massive head rush from lieing in the footwell for ages!

Have fun, John

It works better than ever, nobodies touching it mate…I’ll need all the power I can get to keep up with you

[quote=jonnyfox]MARKY!!! just today mate, I’ve had the stragest thing happen with my car today but let me start from 2 weeks ago!

I was told to also use left side of the right foot for brake and right side of right foot rolling it over to blip and it works BUT only just and only in trainers but not at all in the thin soled (left to right) race Puma’s as my throttle pedal is slightly high. Now just a sec, your pedals maybe different to mine as my thottle is by cable and I know from reading the service book and seeing jfk’s car that the pedal box on his S different, electronic!

Anyway I’ve had it lowered 14mm today and heel and toeing has arrived with some ease but the mad crazy thing which I was going to post in a new thread is the the extra power my car suddenly has THERE SEEMS TO BE LOADS! I’ve pax’d in Evo Will’s car and it was quick, quicker than mine, I could just feel it and we have the same thing going on!!! Not just feel also at idle on blipping the throttle I’m getting rasp from the air filter that’s never been there…Out on the road the low end grunt is excellent, on cam it’s better but low end it bloody stupidly impressive! I’m so chuffed just really bloody confused [/quote]

Whilst trying to find another problem I did some datalogging last week and found that my throttle was only opening between 14 and 78% so it appears that the cables do go out of tolerance over time. That or it’s always been knackered and i’ve been 10hp down all this time :blush: Hopefully this will help me keep up. Car certainly feels faster but I haven’t had chance to push it yet. Thanks to Curly from S.E. for the logging and Walshy for the spannering.

Hi Neil, are you NA or SC? Presume NA from the mention of cable?

If you are looking at throttle voltage, it’s a 0-5v sensor, and closed is normally 0.5v and fully open around 4.5v.

On another note, i’ve got the hang of heel toe in the Exige now, so no pedal fiddling needed!