Dash panel mount - trinket tray 12 volt usb/battery voltage unit

Hi All,

I thought id share this with everyone as I couldn’t find what I wanted, I made one in CAD and printed it.

Someone on here may find it useful. :slight_smile:

I had fashioned a crude bracket to hold a power switch, 12v socket, usb charger and battery voltage meter when I did the NC500 during covid. It was supposed to be temporary but ended up staying for a few years.

More recently I got into CAD and bought a 3d printer. My second project to make something better for the car.

I started by redesigning the trinket dividers into something that could hold a facia plate. it seemed like the most sensible place to store the wires and connectors behind the facia and two trinket dividers seemed robust enough to give some stability without having to cut/drill into the car.

The results are attached. The original crude bracket, some 3d drawings and the final assembled mount. I’ll put the parts online and link here later for anyone who wishes to print their own. If you don’t have a printer I’m happy to supply.

I have sanded a painted the facia to make it look a bit more professional lol.

Id apprecate any comments or feedback.


That is superb!

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Download available here.
