Customary Hello from new member

The title says it all really - had a 51 reg Silver Exige for few weeks now having sold my beloved S1 Elise for the dark side of a roof and more power !!

I’m on most SELOC trackdays and one or two others so may see some of you around ??

Welcome - hope to see you too !!

David - big HELLO - nice car, nice colour - fun, fun, fun guaranteed - be interested to know your thoughts on Elise/Exige comparison tho…


Early days to be honest. Only done two track days at Croix en Ternois and Folembray in France on consecutive days. They were spent sorting out a few mechanical difficulties as the car had rarely if ever been tracked so once it got really hot a few gremlins emerged like a couple of the plugs broke down and had to be replaced and then the pads disintegrated but was that expected so had carried spares.

Once sorted I got half a day on Folembray and it was superb. The Elise I had was fairly sorted running LSS with Exige Springs, adjustable ARB and super soft A038’s on the front and standard soft on the rear but the grip and power from the Exige were superb. Much more predictable on the limit than I expected though - can’t wait for the next days out on track. Have got Brands GP, Mallory Park, Silverstone GP and Donnington all booked over next few months so should be good.

David - Know what you mean I just can’t come to terms with grip that the Exige generates

Hi David

Git (you know what I mean - tyres)


BTW what tyres are you on at the mo?

Ah Mr Donald - wondered when you might ctach up with me - and what do you mean git ?? You suddenly placed a bid with less than a minute to go which left me no choice but I must admit 2 seconds to spare was not what I planned !!

Car came with orginal A039’s and dealer put news on the rear - to be honest would have gone for the A048’s but everyone else was bidding on those.

What’s your views on the two for road and track use - only 5000 per annum so not daily drive - just to and from circuits and the odd blast around the countryside !!

Yes - I thought you cut it a bit fine!

The AO39s are better in the wet, but not as good on the track as the AO48s. (I use the AO39s as a wet race tyre - I have one very worn set that I bought second hand and can’t afford another new set!) The difference is not as pronounced as advans to AO38s, but its a similar deal. You will definitely go through more than one set of rears in a year with the 39s and the number of trackdays you do, although I don’t know about the longevity of the 48s. 39s are more expensive too.


Cheers Mark - how much are the A048’s ??

If they are about the same price as I’ve paid for the A039’s I’ll swap you the A039’s for a set of A048’s (new ones of course !!) if that makes it cheaper for you as I don’t really need the A039’s as you do.