Cup 430

Gotta admit, its does look good.

No doubt we’ll all baulk at the price,…best not to add up what some of us have poured into our cars then eh!

Performance must be epic!

Yes it looks great… hard to believe it’s still the humble S1 Elise ‘tub’ under all the bulging fibreglass!

Personally, I will be waiting for the Evora 450!

That particular engine has a Lot more to offer powerwise… At 430 it’s still in a relatively mild state of tune for its short stroke design

It’s the first v6 that I REALLY like the look of, even the grey looks good, what would Aimee give as trade ins for an S1 and S2…wish I did not have a new BMW coming at the end of the month and I had the 430 instead.