Cumbria meet - Sun 29th 11AM Lakeland Motor Museum

Some of you may know that Burt has recently relocated from just outside Monaco to Barrow-in-Furness (don’t laugh). Why not welcome him and Julie by popping along to the museum at 11AM on Sunday 29th March. Not sure of itinerary or if there will be one other than tea / cakes and a natter. for details of location and venue info if you don’t already know it.

Weather depending I will have a drive over, I have asked on the NE forum to see if there are any other takers

Good idea, Paul. Will check diary

I hope to be able to make it too :sunglasses:

Mota in for service/MOT on Friday 27th…fingers crossed! :wink:

F1 is on early so I should be good for this.


sorry no good for me as we will be in Edinburgh, but have a good one peeps.

You could always record it & watch it later - tosser! :laughing:

I bow to Sir Greatness of Tosser-dom.

Check diary?!!!?
Captain Cock-Up failed to do the above today and thus missed MoT and service appointment with Ollie, putting in jeopardy Lakes meet and, if something can’t be sorted with rightly aggrieved and very busy Ollie,
the Anglesey trip.

Eeek :open_mouth: Get busy, call in favours,…do what it takes eh!

Sorted! Phew

I’ve just moved house and all is a quandry. i’d love to come along but my attendance could spell divorce.

Hmmm, maybe i should pop along then :lolno:

Mrs T is scheduled to retire in July. That might make divorce my only option.

I am hoping to make it on Sunday :slight_smile:

Sorry to let the side down, chaps, but won’t be able to make it. Car is without MoT until next Thurs after my “senior moment”.

You don’t “have to” arrive in Yellow Peril, Steve - I may even end up in the Juke even though I’m now sat here with a new 12 month MOT in my grubby mitt :laughing:

Thommo, can give you a lift as long as you dont mind a ride in a comfy lotus! :smiley:

That’s a very kind offer Gav, and use of other vehicles is always an option, Mr P.
But I need to repair splitter broken on the Euro adventure (in Keighley, West Yorks) ahead of MoT service and Anglesey.
I shall miss hearing Burt’s comparison between Barrow-in-Furness and Monaco. . . .

I recall undertaking a similar repair pre-Anglsey that started with the best of intentions and ended up with a roll of gaffer tape :laughing:

Don’t forget the clocks change this weekend!